Mental Health Counselling in Newcastle is often provided by Accredited Mental Health Social Workers. Accredited Mental Health Social Workers provide Focussed Psychological Strategies and psychological therapies for a range of issues including stress, depression, anxiety, grief, and trauma.
In order to provide specialised mental health counselling, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers have a 4 year degree, a minimum of 2 years post qualifying experience in mental health and must complete a minimum of 30 hours additional mental health training every year and clinical supervision to maintain accreditation annually.
Like counsellors and psychologists, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers offer treatment for a range of mental health concerns through evidence-based counselling interventions and 'talk therapy'.
Like psychologists, mental health social workers can provide a Medicare rebate for counselling sessions. To receive this rebate, a Mental Health Care Plan is required from a GP.
Social Workers can work across diverse settings, if you are seeking counselling, look for an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker who has specialised in mental health counselling. In order to obtain this accreditation, a minimum of 2 years supervised practice is required. By using an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker you can also receive a Medicare rebate with a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP.
You can find Accredited Mental Health Social Workers by using the Find a Social Worker directory on the Australian Association of Social Workers website, or look for the Accredited Mental Health Social Worker badge.
If you're looking for counselling Newcastle NSW, reach out for a conversation by emailing